tape-top-left tape-top-right

All the answers

Answer « Strange monster game » :
Answer « Strange hen game »
Pineapple - Exercise books with spiral - Hat with bell - Pumpkin - Cone - Nails - Pencils - Glove - dry Beans - Glasses - Breads - Spring - Slices
Answer « Strange Reindeer game »
Golf balls - Bottle cleaner - Belt - Bells - wooden Spoons - Uncork kitchen sink - Funnel - Gloves - Mandolin - squared Paintbrush - Tire cycle - Slices - Serpillère - Saucer - Carpets - cylindrical Tubes - flexibles
Answer « Devil machine game »
Bananas - Cork - bottle - Pocket knife - audio Helmet - Caustic cleaners kitchen sink - Gloves - Hammers - Work surfing - Sockets - tubes
Answer « Flying witch game »
Broom - Carrot - Belt - Blowtorch - Nails - Cone - Compass Pencils - Star - Jar - Glasses - Boxing gloves - Springs - Wheels - Carpet - cylindrical tube
Answer « Funny gardener game »
Bananas - Exercise books with spiral - top hat - Adjustable spanners Nails - Cone - Glasses - Cups - Barrel - Tile - cylindrical tube - Garden hose - Spring - Slice - rake
Answer « Robot game »
Broom - Balloon - Banana - Cans - Exercise books - Schoolbag - Belt - Compasses - Pencils - Set squares - Gums - Springs - Slices - Reporters - Mobile phones
Answer « Terrific cat game »
Golf ball - Balloon - Bananas - Bowl - Stick - Cones - Nails - Thread - Boxing gloves - Gums - Jar - Glasses - Breads - Pipes - Spring
Answer « Strange donkey game »
Schoolbags - Belt - Pencils - Golf balls - Balloon -canned box - Brush - Uncork kitchen sink - Jar - Breads - Spray nozzles - Slices - Cup - cylindrical tube
Answer « Awful rabbit game »
Tennis balls - Balloon - Socks - Cone - Pencils Glove - Glasses - Computer - Breads - Trap with wolf - Slices - Skis - Screwdriver - Garden hose - flexibles - Suction cup - Glasses

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