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FreeBirds Blu-Ray DVD combo pack
GarrettPHILLIPSNaples FL
StephenNETTLESRomeoville, IL


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Ten Things You Might Not Know About Turkeys

Who said Turkey season was over? From the Academy Award®-Winning producer of Shrek comes a hilarious animated adventure about two turkeys from opposite sides of the tracks who travel back in time in order to keep their species off the Thanksgiving day menu. Free Birds is loaded with laughs and stuffed with fun for the whole family! Here comes a list of fun turkey facts so you can better understand the ins and outs of the Free Birds gang!

  1. Turkeys need to be trained to eat. In order for turkeys to reach their biggest size, they must be taught to eat small meals throughout the day, instead of their natural routine of consistently gorging themselves on food.
  2. A turkey's snood (red thing attached to the beak) serves no functional purpose.
  3. A turkey's gobble can be heard from a mile away. Talk about a loud mouth!
  4. Young turkeys are called “poults.”
  5. Turkeys were domesticated by Native Americans in pre-Columbian Mexico,
    more than 500 years ago. They arrived in Spain in 1519 and quickly spread to the rest of Europe.
  6. Turkeys prefer to sleep in trees. They do this as a way of avoiding predators in the wild.
  7. Female turkeys (hens) do not gobble. Instead, they communicate through low-chirps and clicking noises.
  8. Wild turkeys can fly. They are actually quite fast, reaching speeds as fast as 55mph.
  9. Turkeys can blush. This usually takes place when they are frightened, agitated, excited, or ill. And here we thought they were just bashful!
  10. A turkey's stomach has a container called the gizzard. It contains small stones the turkey has swallowed which help aid with breaking down food for digestion, since the birds do not have teeth.
Check out Free Birds when it trots it way onto Blu-ray and DVD!

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